Thursday, June 2, 2011

The High Price To Pay For Obesity

For the first time in two centuries, American children could have a shorter lifespan than their parents - and we call ourselves a first world nation.....
Today's child may not live to see 55 years of age due to the deadly complications that can come with having been a chubby baby.  Fat babies are not cute; they are a medical disaster in the works.  Childhood obesity has tripled in the United States within the past 30 years.  More than 190 million Americans are obese or overweight.  Interestingly enough, everywhere you look, there are more diet books, programs, machines and gyms sprouting everyday with the promise to get you thinner and slimmer within 20 days.  Over $147 billion dollars are spent every year on obesity-related diseases.  There is also a high price to pay for being obese - obese workers that are paid $1.25 less and hour over a 40 year career span have $100,000 less before taxes.   Oh yes, obese women earn approximately 6.2% less than their slimmer female counterparts.

Here's Your Healthy Tip of the Day:  The journal, The Lancet has described the world to be in an obesity crisis.  In 2008, more than 500 million people worldwide were found to be obese.  That's approximately 1 in 10 adults.  Don't be that one out of'll pay the price of obesity financially, medically and you'll really lose out on quality of life.
Source:  The Real Cost of Living:  Making the Best Choices for You, Your Life, and Your Money, by Carmen Wong Ulrich.

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