Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Subluxed or Dislocated Ribs...After the Reset, Get Acupuncture!

Here's Your Healthy Tip of the Day:  I will share a personal experience today.  Recently, I dislocated a rib - not fun would be an understatement.  So, after I went to my colleague, a Japanese Setai Shiatsu master (alias: the bone setter) to have the displaced rib put back where it's supposed to be, I went straight away to get acupuncture for the pain and tight muscles surrounding the affected site of injury (so sorry...I cannot needle my own back!).  Instantly...from having discomfort just trying to breathe, I was able to breathe without discomfort and the agonizing pain of the affected area went from a 9 on the pain scale to a 2 out of 10.  Here's your take home message:  if you have an injury - a break, tear, fracture - after it's set, come in for a treatment to recover expediently and painlessly.  I'm off for a 'booster shot' today.  And for all those wise guys out there that would just love to give me back some of my own're out of luck! :)  Have a great holiday weekend!

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