Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's Hot So Hydrate

Here's Your Healthy Tip of the Day:  Today in NYC, it's going to be 100 degrees...nirvana for me as I love the heat and how good it feels on my bones...but, I won't forget to drink a LOT of water!  People...don't forget to drink boatloads of water in this heat.  It doesn't matter if you're exercising, walking the streets or just sitting in the park under a tree.  You will dehydrate in this heat and you need to drink water.  If you have a pet, keep it inside with the air conditioner and bowls of water.  Take slow walks with your dog very early in the morning or late at night...remember, their toes will burn on the hot asphalt.  Check in on the elderly and sick and ensure they have proper hydration and cooling systems.  And if you suffer from asthma, stay inside!  Me?  I'll be baking my ol' creaky knees in the heat, but I will be in the shade and not without a huge bottle of water. Stay smart and be cool!

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