Friday, January 21, 2011

Snack Attacks! Have Healthy and Tasty Treats Everyday!!

Truly, we should all have 6 small meals a day; cows graze and so should we.  It's when we snack on the wrong foods that we start looking like our bovine counterparts!

Here's Your Healthy Tip of the Day:  be smart about snacking!  Prepare your daily snacks the night before.  It only takes 10 minutes of your life to prepare yummy goodies to munch on for the next day.
Throw a bag of baby carrots into your bag every morning.  They're tasty, crunchy and if you need a 'pick up', you can dip each one in a tiny bit of natural peanutbutter!  Keep a small container of peanutbutter at your office or get yourself a tiny tupperware to put a stash in.  Make some fat free salsa!  Chop italian plum tomatoes, spanish onions, cilantro, green and red peppers.  Add some Mrs Dash, cayenne pepper and fresh squeezed lemon.  Eat this salsa with some cut celery sticks...yummy!  Throw a few pieces of fruit in that bag of yours as well.  Green tart apples, clementines, pears, blueberries...whatever you like!  A small fistful of nuts can give anyone a pre-workout 'pick me up' and get you going to your next adventure.  Whatever you do, keep your palate guessing.  Don't eat the same snacks every day or you'll get bored.  Don't wait to eat until you're absolutely famished; this is a recipe for nothing but failure and dollars-to-donuts, you'll be reaching for chips and cookies instead of your well-prepared handy snack bag!  Remember, it only takes 10 minutes of your life every evening to make 10lbs of fat disappear quicker!!!

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