Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Get Some Sleep and You'll Live Longer

Did you know that English and Italian researchers have concluded that getting the proper amount of sleep will help you to live longer?  The statistic showed that people who slept less than 6 hours nightly were 12% more likely to die prematurely than those individuals who enjoyed a healthy 8 hours of sleep.
(Courtesy:  Sleep, 2010 May 1;33(5):585-92).  Now, maybe this is simply due to the fact that folks who get more sleep are more alert and less likely to fall asleep while driving a motor vehicle or be sloppy around heavy equipment...accidents do happen.  It could merely be due to better alertness while crossing a busy traffic street.  And, perchance, better rest of one's body leads to better reparation of cells, improved metabolism, a stronger immune system and a less stressed mind.

Here's Your Healthy Tip of the Day:  If you're not getting good sleep (if you are tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep or remain sleeping), acupuncture and Chinese herbal pills can be a very viable solution for you.  I have helped many a person to improve his/her sleep with regular care and later on followup treatments.  We all want to live long and prosper and what better way to achieve this than a small investment into our sleep today!

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